Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Renewed Effort

After a month and a half of not visiting Curves, I finally went back. I am finally really ready to do this. For the first time in a long, long time I really enjoyed my workout. I'm committed to going at least 3 times a week now. So that was Monday. I was planning on going Tuesday, but after moving about 100 boxes full of papers and working up a sweat for most of the day, I figured that was a good enough workout. Today's a holiday, but I'm back at Curves tomorrow and Friday.

I also came to a realization the other day. See, Boyfriend is convinced that the only way to lose weight is on a low-carb, high-protein diet. That may be the only way for him. For me, it's more about moderation. But then I thought back - when I first moved to Vegas and started going to Curves, I was eating out quite a bit, at least once a day. I also discovered an excellent ice cream place, which I tended to visit almost as often as I would Curves. So diet-wise, the first time, I wasn't doing much to help myself there, and I still lost over 20 pounds! I figure this time around, if I watch myself a bit more then I should be just fine. Boyfriend and I eat out a couple times a week but not every day, and if we go to Cold Stone it's because he brings me there, not because I'm begging to go.

As long as I can keep up this resolve and go to Curves like I should, everything else should fall into place. It's summer, at this writing 111F outside, so eating fresh, light foods is high on my list right now. I'll be just fine as long as I have the motivation.

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