I keep saying I need to eat better. I keep saying I need to exercise more. Neither one of those things is happening. I hate exercise when it's a single activity (aka "unitasking"). I hate going to Curves just to go. As a result, I haven't been pretty much since my last update. Boyfriend and I keep saying that we should go walking, now that the weather's better. That hasn't happened either. He gets sucked into his silly little game and can't stop, and I usually get sucked into the internets. But every week we have a renewed sense of purpose. We just might get out for a walk before the year is over.
My diet hasn't gotten much better either. We are doing our grocery shopping at Trader Joe's, and we are enjoying our food much more. Eating out hasn't subsided much, mainly due to our social life. And because TJ's doesn't have crappy microwave meals, I've been eating even crappier at lunchtime when I'm at work. I don't really do leftovers much, and if we do have anything left over I leave it for Boyfriend to have for lunch. I have been getting the occasional fast food meal, and getting total crap for lunch at the regular supermarket - shelf (desk) stable, single serve microwaveable stuff. Of course I chase it with some junk food. I feel like crap at the end of the day.
But I've been thinking. It's getting cooler, and some good hearty soups come in easy to store in my desk packages. The sodium's a bit high, but dinner is usually healthier, so I can take it. So I'll probably get some soups next time I go shopping, and have some crackers with it. I bought some apples at TJ's today since they last longer than other produce, and I'll eat them. And I had a thought that just might work:
Ya know how stomach stapling and other surgeries reduce the amount of food you eat? And ya know how when you wear really tight jeans you feel like you can't eat as much? Well, no worries, I'm not gonna be going around wearing tight jeans - people would be getting injured with the buttons popping all over the place. But, I do own a couple corsets - real steel-boned corsets. It's not practical to wear them to work, but if I wear it at night and on the weekends, I won't pig out for dinner or when we go out with friends. I already know from experience that I can't eat as much when I'm laced, so it would be especially handy for when we go out. I'd be forced to make better choices - a small salad and appetizer rather than the giant bowl of alfredo. It just might work, and if not, at least I'll still feel svelte and sexy, except when I'm at work. Then I'll feel like a shapeless blob, but still hopefully making better choices.